The language of infinite words

I wrote this article for submission to a popular science writing competition by the Department of Science and Technology. Here is my research story, which did not make to grab the award. The story is based on our research on the morphological richness of Malayalam language. How many words are there in your language? How many of them do you know? Can you find all those words in a dictionary? [Read More]

Text Speech and Dialogue: TSD 2020

I presented a paper on Quantitative Analysis of the Morphological Complexity of Malayalam Language at 23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue: TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8–11 2020. The year being 2020, the entire conference happened in remote participation mode. Conference proceedings and pre-recorded presentation videos were made available to the participants and we discussed it over online zoom sessions. It was a novel experience and I am super excited about how I got feedbacks and ideas to work on, even after the live sessions. [Read More]